Tuesday, September 22, 2009


A. = Adjective ADV. = Adverb IDM. = Idiom N. = Noun V. = Verb
cynicalA. seeing little or no good in other people, believing that people are only interested in themselves and are not sincere. Cynical suggests a disbelief in the sincerity of human motives
eccentricA. having strange, unusual or abnormal habits or tastes This term is less insulting than strange, weird or bizarre.
egotisticalA. thinking too highly of oneself, considering oneself better than others.
imaginativeA. creative, having much imagination
indecisiveA. unable to decide quickly, not knowing what choice to make
pickyA. hard to please, too careful in choosing something
sensibleA. practical, reasonable, something that makes sense
sensitiveA. easily feels emotion, easily hurt emotionally can be positive or negative
sophisticatedA. representing high culture, very experienced in life
thoughtfulA. often doing things to make other people feel good

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