Celtic Proverb
Dress a goat in silk and it's still a goat.
Celtic Proverb
Say only a little but say it well.
Celtic Proverb
The first sip of broth is always the tastiest.
Celtic Proverb
Three candles dispel the darkness; truth, knowledge and the ways of nature.
Celtic Proverb
Cursing the weather is never good farming.
Cheshire Proverb
A bird can roost but on one branch, a mouse can drink not more than its fill from a river.
Chinese Proverb
A diamond with a flaw is worth more than a pebble without imperfections.
Chinese Proverb
A dog in a kennel barks at his fleas; a dog hunting does not notice them.
Chinese Proverb
A hundred men may make an encampment, but it takes a woman to make a home.
Chinese Proverb
A man without a smiling face must not open shop.
Chinese Proverb
A murder may be forgiven, an affront never.
Chinese Proverb
A needle is not sharp at both ends.
Chinese Proverb
A young branch takes on all the bends that one gives it.
Chinese Proverb
Be not afraid of going slowly; be afraid only of standing still.
Chinese Proverb
Before dinner, let us explore the southern plains and climb the northern mountains. After dinner, there are snakes in the southern plains and tiger in the northern mountains.
Chinese Proverb
A dry east wind raises the spring.
Cornish Proverb
A fog and a small moon bring an easterly win soon.
Cornish Proverb
He that hurts a robin will never prosper.
Cornish Proverb
Small riches hath the most rest.
Cornish Proverb
Many a friend was lost through a joke, but none was ever gained so.
Czech Proverb
Many doctors, death accomplished.
Czech Proverb
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