Monday, August 31, 2009

Idioms and Sayings About Buildings

To bank on something/someone

For example:

"You can always bank on friends to help you."
Something or someone you can be sure of.
To lock the barn door after the horse has bolted

For example:

"Buying a burglar alarm after the break in was like locking the barn door after the horse had bolted."
To be careful or try to make something safe when it is too late.
To be banging/hitting your head against a brick wall.

For example:

"Trying to get them to do their homework is like banging my head against a brick wall."
To keep asking someone to do something which they never do.
Like a ton of bricks

For example:

" The news of the accident hit me like a ton of bricks."
To be affected strongly or forcefully by something.

You can't make bricks without straw.

For example:

"It's no good trying to build a website if you don't know any html, you can't make bricks without straw."

You cannot do something correctly without the necessary materials/knowledge.
To burn your bridges

For example:

"When he handed in his resignation he had burnt his bridges."
To do something that makes it impossible for you to change your plans and go back to the situation you were in before.
Rome wasn't built in a day.

For example:

"It's taken me years to build this site, and I'm still not finished! Still, Rome wasn't built in a day."

It takes a long time to do an important job.

Thanks to 2-dog-farm

Castles in the air

For example:

" She is always building castles in the air and is very unrealistic."
To have daydreams.
To be in the doghouse

For example:

"He was really in the doghouse after borrowing his father's car without permission."
To be in trouble.
To hold the fort

For example:

"He has been holding the fort at his company while his boss is on vacation."
To cope in an emergency, often by acting as a temporary substitute.
Close to home

For example:

"What the fortune teller said about my past life hit close to home, it was uncanny."
To be near to someone`s personal feelings, wishes or interests.
Make oneself at home

For example:

"I always make myself at home when I visit the in-laws."
To act as if you were at home.

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