Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Irregular Verb

Basic Tenses: Irregular Verb

Irregular verbs list

This page shows the basic tenses with the irregular verb sing. It includes the affirmative or positive form (+), the negative form (-) and the interrogative or question form (?).

The basic structure is:

positive:+subject + auxiliary verb + main verb
negative:-subject + auxiliary verb + not + main verb
question:?auxiliary verb + subject + main verb

These are the forms of the main verb that we use to construct the tenses:

base verbpastpast participlepresent participle -ing
do + base verb
(except future:
will + base verb)
+I did sing
I sang
I do sing
I sing
I will sing
-I did not singI do not singI will not sing
?Did I sing?Do I sing?Will I sing?
have + past participle
+I had sungI have sungI will have sung
-I had not sungI have not sungI will not have sung
?Had I sung?Have I sung?Will I have sung?
be + -ing
+I was singingI am singingI will be singing
-I was not singingI am not singingI will not be singing
?Was I singing?Am I singing?Will I be singing?
have been + -ing
+I had beensingingI have beensingingI will have beensinging
-I had not beensingingI have not beensingingI will not have beensinging
?Had I beensinging?Have I beensinging?Will I have beensinging?
WSM Image
The basic structure of tenses for regular verbs and irregular verbs is exactly the same (except to be). The only difference is that with regular verbs the past and past participle are always the same (worked, worked), while with irregular verbs the past and past participle are not always the same (sang, sung). But the structure is the same! It will help you a great deal to really understand that.

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