Friday, November 6, 2009

'English Proverbs'

A bird in the hand is worth two in a bush. 
English Proverb

A carrion crow never brings luck.
English Proverb

A fair day in winter is the mother of a storm.
English Proverb

A fair October and a good blast, will blow the hag and her broom away fast.
English Proverb

A fly may sting a horse and make him wince.
English Proverb

A fog from the sea brings corn to the mills.
English Proverb

A good servant makes a bad enemy.
English Proverb

A late spring is a great blessing.
English Proverb

A lawyer never goes to law himself.
English Proverb

A man can only die once.

English Proverb

Each thing is fair when it is young.
Estonian Proverb

Evil enters like a needle and spreads like an oak tree.
Ethiopian Proverb

He who conceals his disease cannot expect to be cured.
Ethiopian Proverb

When spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion.
Ethiopian Proverb

Age does not give sense it only makes one go slowly.
Finnish Proverb

A bad bush is better than an open field.
French Proverb

A bad sheerer never had a good sickle.
French Proverb

A black hen lays a white egg.
French Proverb

A healthy man is a successful man.
French Proverb

A hedge between keeps friendship green
French Proverb

A late Easter, a long cold spring.
French Proverb

A lie travels round the world while truth is putting her boots on.
French Proverb

A summer's sun is worth the having.
French Proverb

A teacher stands in fear of teaching.
French Proverb

A throne is only a bench covered with velvet.
French Proverb

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