Monday, September 7, 2009

Aphorism List

Should you divert one step at the beginning of your path - soon you will find yourself heading in the wrong way.

Ideas do not belong to anybody. They are not invented like designs of hats, but discovered in culture, as are islands in the ocean.

Platonov S., from foreword to his book
"After Communism"
The destiny of each truth is to first be ridiculed, and then -- accepted.


Reality is a seen order of things. Reality is the essence of visibility. To make something with the reality, it is necessary to find that which underlies this visibility.

HUBBARD L. Ron (1911-1986), American writer, founder of Dianetics ("a technique of spiritual healing ") and Scientology - the applied philosophy engaged in "studying of knowledge» 
If the appearance and the essence of things directly coincided, any science would be excessive.

Marx К., Engels F., Compositions., 
Vol. 25. Part. II, Pg. 384
 Define your words correctly and you will exempt the world from half of its contradictions.
René Descartes

Decisions made in haste always seem to us as extraordinarily noble and heroic, but, as a rule, they lead to foolishness

ENGELS Fredrick (1820-1895), 
Thinker and public activist, one of the founders of Marxism
The secret of success of a person lies in his ability to wait his time

DISRAELI Benjamin (1804-1881),

English statesman, prime-minister of Great Britain in 1868 and 1874-1880, leader of the Conservative Party, writer.
Everything happens in its due time for those who can wait

KUTUZOV Michael Illarionovich (1745-1813), commander, during the war of 1812 was the leader of the Russian army, which defeated Napoleon's army

When there is courage, it is possible to get involved in any endeavor, but that alone is not enough for success. 

NAPOLEON I Bonaparte (1769 - 1821), the French statesman, commander, emperor
Success in any business depends on two conditions: 1) establishing correctly the ultimate goal and 2) finding corresponding means leading up to this goal.

ARISTOTLE (IV century AD), ancient Greek scientist, philosopher, teacher to Alexander III of Macedon 
Do not be afraid of the future. Peer into it and do not be deceived on its account, but do not be afraid... Yesterday I got onto the captain's bridge and saw the waves, huge as mountains, and the nose of the ship, which was cutting them surely. And I asked myself, why does the ship win over the waves, even though they are so numerous and it is alone? And I understood - the reason is that the ship has a purpose while the waves have none. If we have a purpose, we will always get to where we want.

CHURCHILL Sir Winston Leonard Spencer (1874-1965), 
the prime minister of Great Britain in 1940-45, 1951-55

He, who studies without reflecting, will run into delusion. And he, 
who reflects, but does not wish to study, will find himself in difficulty.

Confucius (551-479 BC), ancient Chinese philosopher, 
founder of Confucianism 
He is wise, who knows the necessary; and not he, who knows much.

Eshil, (525-456 BC), ancient Greek poet - playwright 
The result of the opposite creative actions is the chaos.

HUBBARD L. Ron (1911-1986), American writer, founder of Dianetics ("a technique of spiritual healing ") and Scientology - the applied philosophy engaged in "studying of knowledge»

Each human undertaking goes successfully only when guided by the mind and knowledge.

CHERNYSHEVSKY Nikolay Gavrilovich (1828-1889), Russian author, publicist, literary critic. (His work "Prejudice and rules of logic" will be distributed in the abbreviated form later - E.D.) 
He, who undertakes individual issues without the preliminary resolution of the general ones, will inevitably continue to unconsciously "stumble" against these general issues: doom the policy to swaying and unscrupulousness.

LENIN (Ulyanov) Vladimir Iljich (1870-1924), Russian politician and statesman; founder of the Communist Party and the Soviet state; one of the leaders of the international 
Communist movement 
There should be only one way to punish the mistaken ones - make them study.

PLATO (428 - 348 or 347 B.C.), ancient Greek philosopher. Disciple of Socrates, teacher of Aristotle

The appeal to morals and rights in scientific relations does not at all move us forward; in moral indignation, as fair as it may be, the economic science can see not the proof, but only a symptom. 

ENGELS Friedrich (1820-95), thinker and public figure, one of the founders of Marxism  
The history has already had it all, but the people and governments never made conclusions and did not draw lessons, which they should have drawn from the past.

Hegel Georg Wilhelm Friedrich (1770-1831), German philosopher who developed the objective - idealistic basis for the systematic theory of Dialectics
 Let your ideas ascend from low areas of poetry to the highest spheres of calculation and fact.

O. HENRY (real name William Sydney, PORTER) 
(1862 - 1910), American writer

An individual rascal or a small gang of robbers, of course, can prosper through the work of others, but the whole nation can support and increase its well being only through its own work; any circumstance, distracting the nation from this only source of its life, ruins the nation. 

CHERNYSHEVSKY Nikolay Gavrilovich (1828-1889), Russian author, publicist, literary critic.  
It is necessary to know, that there is no affair which design would be more difficult, introduction - more dangerous, and success - more doubtful, than replacement of old orders with new ones. 

Machiavelli Niccolo (1469-1527), Italian political philosopher, historian, writer  
When there is order in the country, be courageous with words; when there is no order in the country, be courageous with actions, but careful with words.

Confucius (551-479 BC), ancient Chinese philosopher, 
founder of Confucianism

Habit makes invisible that what our existence is based upon.

HEGEL Georg Wilhelm Friedrich (1770-1831), German philosopher who developed the objective - idealistic basis for the systematic theory of Dialectics 
Happiness of a person lies in the freedom for using his prevailing abilities.

ARISTOTLE (IV century AD), ancient Greek scientist, philosopher, teacher to Alexander III of Macedon 
Society with an unpredictable past (About the Soviet Union).

Some publicist of the times of Gorbachev's Reorganization (“Perestroika”) in the USSR

Eternal truths, even though they are eternal, require a constant reminder and affirmation.

GANDHI Mohandas Karamchand (1869-1948), leader and ideologist of the Indian national-liberation movement. Better known by his people's name Mahatma Gandhi ("Great soul")
The reasonable argumentation is possible and perspective only until the emotional intensity of a situation has not stepped over a certain limit. However, as soon as this emotional intensity reaches past a critical level, the possibilities for reasonable influence disappear. In their place there come slogans and chimerical images, which, developing, conduct to mental epidemic. In such conditions the associative elements of the population, which during the domination of common sense would hardly be tolerated, are put forward.

JUNG Carl Gustav (1875-1961), Swiss psychologist and philosopher, founder of "analytical psychology" 
If the thinking breaks down, the order breaks down as well.

Confucius (551-479 BC), ancient Chinese philosopher, founder of Confucianism

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